Saturday, November 29, 2014

Wearing His Armor.

We have to surrender ourselves to The One who knows what's best for us.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Poetry and I....

These are the videos of  four of my best P4CM poems.



Eziekel Azonwu was the first P4CM poet i came across last year and this was the actually the first poem i listened to and i couldn't help listening to it over and over again.
One of my best lines from this is ''once you give God some space, He will Bruce Willis that Armageddon.'' that had me screaming!! Its a beautiful poem.


I will wait for you is one poem i enjoy listening to over and over again. its been a huge blessing to me indeed. i personally feel like she stole the thoughts from my heart and put them all together to create this amazing piece. The more i listen to it, the more it becomes a prayer for me. i love it!!! its also a joy to know that presently Janette's wait is over. She got married months ago and i am happy for her. This is an encouragement to all sisters waiting patiently on God for His Gift.
below is an excerpt from the poem that i love.

''I’ll stay in my bed… alone, and write poems, about how I will wait for you :)
He won’t even come close,
Our fingers won’t even interlock
We won’t even exchange breath
Cause I have thoughts that I’ve ‘saved as’ in a file that God has only equipped you to open.
I will no longer get weighted down,
From so-called friends & family talks,
About the concern for my biological clock
When I serve the Author of Time.
Who is NOT subject to time,
But I’M subject to Him,
He has the ability to STOP, FAST FORWARD, PAUSE, or REWIND at any given time…
So if we could role play,
You would be Abraham & I would be Sara
Or you can be Isaac & I can be Rebecca – a servant’s answered prayer
I am bone of your bone, flesh of your flesh,
Made up of your rib Adam!
And once we meet, like electrons
I will be bound to your nucleus, completely indivisible atom.
We even speak the same math: 1 + 1 + 1 = 3, which really equals 1 if you add Him.
We were all created in His image,
But you have the ability to reflect, project & even detect the Son.
If I were to explain what you looked like,
You would have to look like a star,
A son of the Son..
I would gain energy simply from the light on me.
I would need you , in order to complete my photosynthesis
I await your revelation, but once again from the genesis, I will wait for you ♥
And I will know you… because when you speak I will be reminded of Solomon’s wisdom,
Your ability to lead will remind me of Moses,
Your faith will remind me of Abraham,
Your confidence in God’s Word will remind me of Daniel,
Your inspiration will remind me of Paul,
Your heart for God will remind me of David,
Your attention to detail will remind me of Noah,
Your integrity will remind me of Joseph,
And your ability to abandon your own will, will remind me of the disciples,
But Your ability to love selflessly & unconditionally will remind me of Christ.
But I won’t need to identify you by any special Matthews or any special Marks,
Cause His word will be tatted all over your heart.''


Jefferson caught my attention with his '' why i hate religion but i love Jesus'' piece but this one i really liked a lot. Jeff was witty in this video and i am sure that anyone who watches this will agree with me. Very nice poem.


and finally Ready or not.  One of the reasons i liked this was because it was done by two of my favorite poets. What a brilliant combination. Its so deep, intense, insightful and convicting. It portrays the present state of the church and how Jesus would likely react on His return! He is coming back soon, will you be ready??? 
I thank God for the lives of Eziekel and Janette and i pray that God continues to use them.

Looking for our needs in the wrong place.


The first time i saw this, my heart melted. I thought it was cute, adorable and a little annoying!! I  didn't appreciate the fact that adults were present and not doing anything but feeding their amusement. i however hoped that he was fed well later on. Honestly i was almost close to tears. Babies get me all warm and mushy inside, hahaha they are innocent, sweet and amazing. The video was recorded at an orphanage in Russia (you can hear them speaking Russian in the background.) and the babies are brothers. Apparently the little tiger on the right was very hungry and in need of food so he turned to his brother and started sucking off his face. Now all he wanted was food and he was desperately looking for it in the wrong place.

Well we could argue and say ''oh he is a baby! He doesn't know what is right from wrong.'' The action is permissible and we would have a point. A good one indeed. He is just a child after all. food was all he wanted and even if he wasn't getting it, he wasn't going to give up (note how he cries and seeks his prize whenever his brother turns his face). The truth is no matter how long he had been at it, he would have never gotten any satisfaction because his brothers cheek isn't a milk reservoir.

Watching this made me reflect later on. it reminded me of how very much like this baby we are sometimes. isnt it interesting that some of us spend a lot of our time, resources and energy seeking what we need in the wrong place. Whether its from the issue of our career goals to marital status, we are guilty of doing the very same thing we see this baby doing. We keep knocking on the wrong doors and refusing to change our directions even when we see that nothing is fruitful. Others are so much blinded by their desire that they allow desperateness to get the better part of them. Some of us have a hard time even figuring out exactly what we need and so we end up just chasing the wind.

 Remember the story of the woman with the issue of blood ( Luke 8:43-48)? She spent a lot looking for a solution to her problems but her efforts were fruitless. She went about for 12 years until she met The One who had the very thing she was seeking in His garment. Some of us can relate to her story as well as the analogy of the babies action in the video.

You see dear christian, God knows our needs, He knows just what we need and when we need it. There is nothing that escapes His loving eyes. He is all knowing. Oh how wonderful it is to know that we have a Father who cares so much for us that He  pays attention to every detail of our lives. Philippians 4:19 says that Our God will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. He alone should be The One we turn to and depend on for our needs. i smile as i finish this post now because The Lord's  prayer just flashed across my heart. it says;

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your Kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom,
the power and the glory are yours.
Now and for ever.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Oh how great are the works of His hands..

I took this during summer while on a short vacation by the sea. I and Tobi had decided to go watch the sun set. Beautiful isn't it? I love to see sights like this. It warms my heart and makes me marvel at how great God is and how beautiful the works of His hands are. 
This verse comes to my heart every time I come across this picture. Psalm 113:3---  From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised. Glory! Hallelujah.

Keep pressing on daily.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Knowing when to let go.

It is true that God brings people into our lives for a reason and purpose and He can also take them out too if they have accomplished His purpose but sometimes we don't understand this and so we end up fighting so hard to hold on to the people that God wants us to let go of.  This can be very exhausting emotionally and physically and most times the result is devastating. 

I remember sometime ago someone I had been friends with for a couple of years suddenly went all cold and AWOL on me and left me wondering what the issue was. I know I tried hard to see that I was giving all that I could to see that the relationship lasted but it was fruitless. I knew it but I didn't want to let go. I cared for this fellow. They were dear to me. I struggled within for a while until one day in Church, the pastor preached about the story of Paul and Barnabas and after a closer look and much studying of the Word I saw things differently and clearly. It was easier for me to let go and the peace that followed was amazing! I understood that I had to know when to trust God and let go. Not everyone who comes into your life is there to stay. Most are just passing through and us having the knowledge of God's will when it comes to relationships is very important. His word says that His thoughts towards us are thoughts of good and not of evil to give us an expected end and God never lies. He isn't a man that he should, He is God Almighty. We need to trust Him well enough to let go easily when its necessary. 

Sweet Lord.....

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Happy November..

Its November already!!!! The year is almost over! Can you believe it? 
The events that ushered in this year still remains fresh on my mind. The prayer service, dinner and fireworks that followed afterwards.. I can't believe its all winding up!!! God is amazing! I know usually for some of us, stock taking starts now. We bring out our mental and physical lists trying to cross out our goals and achievements. For some of us, its joy and laughter that follows while others sadness and regrets... Whatever the case might be let us not lose hope. Its not too late to start from where you are now. God is the God of times and seasons. With Him all things are possible. His ways arent like ours so as we get ready to round up the year let us have the flame of hope burning wildly within us.
As long as there is life there is hope! Jesus Christ is our hope for tomorrow. With Him, the best is yet to come, there is no giving up. 
Happy new month everyone!