Monday, September 9, 2013

Dont forget who you are!!


As Children of God, we must never forget who we truly are.  Christ has redeemed us and saved us by shedding his precious blood on the Cross of Calvary even when we did not deserve it. The Blood of Jesus is far more expensive than any thing on earth, Acts 20 says that He bought the Church with his blood!

Its time that Christians all around the world started to understand who they really are. That they are not to be slaves to men or slaves to anything of this world! This world is not our final resting place. Heaven is where we are going to; a place intended for the saints alone. No stranger will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. So lets be renewed in our minds in Jesus name. Amen! 

John 14:1 Dont let your hearts be troubled!

Bible Verse for the week....

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Fire Proof trailer...

This is the trailer of the movie i earlier posted. Amazing!

An Amazing Christian movie- Fireproof (a must watch movie)


If you havent seen this movie, then you need to! This movie touched me so much! I believe that every couple on the face of the earth needs to see this, especially if you are in a marriage that is going through some storms and you are considering divorce. I want you to know that Loving God first is the key to loving your partner unconditionally and building a marriage on a Solid Rock. 

When i watched this movie for the first time i wept and cried for almost an hour. I had to go back to the Word and study about love. Honestly the best way to love is Gods way and you can find it in the Word. 1st Corinthians 13 expatiates on Love. So many times even Jesus charged us to love one another as he loved us. How many people are truly doing that. When you learn to love according to Gods Will it wont be an issue when you get married! If you have not given your life to Jesus then you need to do so now! Ask the master to come into your life and transform your mind. May God help us in Jesus Name.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Powerful revelation of Heaven and hell!! God Bless Sister Linda!

This revelation was given to sister Linda from sierralone by our Lord Jesus Christ! its a powerful revelation and i decided to put it up here so that everyone can see it! People, the Lord is coming soon! In-fact every sign around us testifies of his coming! Hell is real and many are they that go there than those that enter into heaven! The bible says that you will know the truth and the truth will set them free.

This is the testimony that will change your life completely! be blessed as you listen!

Give the Lord praise!! Psalm 150!

get up, get up, get up!!! Let everything that has breath get up and praise the living God! it doesnt matter what you are going through or where you are now! Dont let anything keep you from praising his holy name!

Attention Ladies!!

Dont give up yet!

Have you ever felt let down when you been waiting on God for a very long time and then you get a bit stunned when the answers come and they arent what you were expecting! Dont give up! Dont be sad either\! God said in Jeremiah 29:11 that his thoughts towards us are of good and not of evil to give us an expected end.
God knows what is best for you and i. Trust that he is in control and is working out things for our own good!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

its another season!

Happy new month everybody!

Praise God its a new month already! God is so faithful! Happy new month everyone! This is september!! The month of fruitfulness! God blessed man and said be fruitful and multiply!! May that be our portion in Jesus Mighty Name! Amen!