Sunday, February 15, 2015

The power or forces influencing our choices.

.Joshua 24:13-16
Deutronimy 30:19
1st Kings 18:21

God doesn't force us to do things! He will not enforce Himself on us! That was why He gave us free will, so that we can choose for ourselves. God however tells us the consequences of our actions, decisions and choices. We see this in The Bible.
There are so many factors affecting the choices and decisions we make in life. They include the following;

1: The pressure of your needs desires pursuits and aspirations.
Eg Esau and Jacob.

2. Pressure from our close relatives.

3. Influences from your close friends and associates.

4. Our culture, tradition and societal differences

5. Times, events and moments

6: The Spirit of God.

7: Advisors counsellors and guidance.

8:  historical factors

9. Spirit of Satan

10:  Pressure from the power that be. Eg political power, religious power.

Out of all these factors the most important one that Christians should be concerned about is The Spirit of God. That is the paramount factor of all. The bible says the steps of the righteous are ordered by The Lord. God pays a great deal of attention to His children. He cares deeply for us.

When we are in any kind of situation and we are faced with the task of making decisions we should ask God for wisdom as James 1:5 says He gives wisdom to any that lack. We must seek His perfect will at all times. Our feet should not stray to the right or to the left (no other factor should pressure us into taking wrong decisions. It must constantly be on the straight path.

The question we need to ask ourselves is what factor is influencing our choices. Is it the care of the world? The pressures from tradition or God Himself!
Let us remember that for every choice or decision we take there will be a reward. The bible says that God cannot be mocked. Whatsoever a man sows, he will reap. Do not be deceived!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Brilliant Parenting tips.

This story below struck a cord in me!!! What a great move on the part of the mother to have given her son a code or password for security reasons. Who would have thought it would come in handy one day? 

This was a note that accompanied a box of leggo a parent picked up at a store for their kids. I liked the effort by The Leggo company to remind parents about how encouraging creativity in every child is important.

This year you shall.....

This was designed by a sister from the church. It portrays the promises of God for His Children this year.

Heart warming story.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

An amazing acronym describing The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

When I came across this, it reminded me of the great commission Jesus Christ gave us in Matthew 28:18-20.

Dear single sisters!!!

YOU deserve a man after GOD'S own heart, not just a boy who goes to church. Someone who is intentional about pursuing you, not just looking for someone to date. A man who will love you, not just for your looks, your body or how much money you make but because of who you are in Christ. He should see your inward beauty more than your outward beauty. You may have to tell a few guys NO a few times in order for the real man to step forward. Don't fret or fuss about it. Trust in God, it will be worth it in the end.
Don't ever be in despair about when or how its going to happen. Don't spend your period of single hood worrying and making terrible decisions! Make the most of your time serving The Lord faithfully. I tell my friends that once you get married there are so many stuff you wouldn't be able to do anymore! There will be a husband to support, children to raise and a home to build.
I want you to know this for sure today; you do have a love story! It is in The Bible. It tells you how much GOD loves you and how far He went just to win your heart. Read it everyday! Let His promises dwell richly in your heart. Keep praying and trusting Him. It will happen in His timing.
The link below is a favourite poem of mine by Jannette Ikz of P4CM. Its titled "I will wait for you
I love it!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Hello February!!!!

Its the second month already!!! Oh Praise be to our God who has been so faithful to us from the beginning of the year. May Grace, Mercy and Peace be multiplied unto us in Jesus Name. Let's all lay aside every weight and sin that easily besets us and run the race before us.