Friday, January 31, 2014

Happy new month everyone!!!!

Its the 2nd month of the year!!!! I am so thankful to Go for His Faithfulness, Mercy and Grace towards us! He is indeed a Good God! He is the Ale Rose which means Our Lord who sees!!! God has his eyes on us! Hallelujah!!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Remember this song?

He has got the whole world in His Hands!
He has got the whole world in His Hands!
He has got the whole world in His Hands!
He has got the whole  world in His Hands.  

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Beautifully and wonderfully made!!

Ever taken a long look at the stars at night? Aren't you amazed at how they shine so bright and how beautiful they look? Well It was The same hands that formed you and I that created those amazing heavenly bodies! Jehovah Elohim! Our God The Creator of all things is He. He created you and I and he called us beautiful in His Word in songs of Solomon 4:7 "All beautiful you are my darling. There is no flaw in you!!" Can you imagine how beautiful you are in Gods eyes. Remember we are made in His own image and after His likeness!!! You are beautiful!!! That's how God sees you! Don't see yourself any other way!!!  Dont compare yourself with any other person. Always remember that You are fearfully and wonderfully made. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

I love this!!!!!

Have you ever come across a picture of the earth in 3D? I wonder what comes across your mind as you observe how the earth looks in space. Isn't God Amazing. I mean who else could have done this?? Scientists have their own demonic theory about how the earth came to be! They call it the big bang theory! Well I believe without a doubt that this is a big lie!!!

There has to be more to creation!! Mankind did not evolve out of microorganisms!! No way! Look around you, the proof of His existence is all around us!! God created everything that we see and don't see! He is the Creator of all things! Nothing that exists that was not created by Him.

So if we have such a Mighty God as Our Father why should we worry? Isaiah  53:13 says that He flung the stars into space! Isn't our God awesome!!! Job 26:7 says that he suspends the earth on nothing!! This is the work of God!

So if we serve Him why should we fret?

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Meal of the week. White rice and Chicken pepper soup.

So last week I decided to make some pepper soup! It was on a Sunday so I could not get beef but I used chicken instead and boy oh boy it turned out quite delicious....I listed out the ingredients and method below.
1 bowl of rice
1 kg of chicken
Chopped onions.
I large bowl of already prepared chicken stock
Red pepper (dry)
Spices (depending on your taste)
Maggi (2 cubes)
Salt to taste.
1. Boil water in one pot for the rice and put the stock in another one for the chicken.
2. Cut chicken into tiny pieces.
3. Peel garlic and ginger and have them chopped
4. Add all spices and red pepper to the boiling stock and leave for 10 minutes
5. Boil rice.
6. After 10 minutes add chicken with chopped onion, garlic and ginger
7. Add salt to rice and boiling soup
8. Add curry and thyme and wait for 10 minutes.
9. Wash herbs and add to soup. ( you could cut the herbs if you wanted)
10. Add maggi to soup and check rice. Leave the soup for 15 minutes more.
You can serve with any drink of your choice. 

Test all spirits, 1st John 4:1-6

Its very important for we as Christians to test every spirit we come across! Jesus Christ told us in John 15 that He is the true vine. This should send us a message of caution. When He said that he was telling us also that there are false vines out there.
I could go on and give so many references from the scriptures where Jesus warned us to be careful of false prophets. It breaks my heart to see the way people are being led astray by men posing to be servants of God. Whay makes it worse is that even christians are falling victims. 

Sometimes i ask myself if such people read the scriptures and follow the teachings of Our Lord. Do they not see the warnings? Or maybe some don't even bother anymore to dig deep into the Word. They are too carried away all the signs and wonders that they forget to test all the spirits. They take everything that comes to them hook, line and sincker without even checking back with the scriptures to see if its the truth. I mean how can anyone believe a "pastor" who tells them that they would have to sleep with them first before a certain spirit in them could be cast out? Its beyond me! I can't even imagine such a despicable scenario but it's happening.

How did we get here? Even with all the warnings Jesus gave us in His Word, people are still falling victims to the deceptions, lies and falsehoods of devil agents masquerading about as pastors. The answer is not far fetched. People are no longer reading and paying attention to the Word of God. People are very much carried away with the signs and wonders that they just believe everything that they are told. They forget that it is The Holy Spirit that gives inspiration to men and He will never give any revelation that is contrary to the Word of God. Its time we opened our eyes!! Its time to start applying the word.

The narrow path.....

The day you give your life to Jesus Christ is the day your journey to eternity begins here on earth. It is a walk that will take through a lot of valleys, deserts and wildernesses but the joy of it all is that you will never ever be alone! Jesus Christ Himself will be with you every single step of the way. You will never be forsaken or forgotten. When Jesus makes a promise He keeps to it trust me!
The bible tells us that our path as Children of The Most High God is a narrow one. Why? Because the road is not a easy one and few are found on it. Matthew 7:13-14 "Enter through the narrow gate for wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction but  small is the gate and narrow is the path that leads to life and only a few find it.
This tells us how difficult the journey is. It takes endurance and patience to successfully finish the race set before us. Sometimes when I am discouraged, I remember that the path I choose isn't an easy one and I just draw encouragement from The Word. Even when I stray away from The Path I run back to that gate, broken and humbled because I can't imagine my life without Jesus. Its just meaningless. There will be storms, the waves will rage, the days will be gloomy and the sun will be hidden but we must remember that The One who owns us is Alive and with us. May God help us all.  I will leave an excerpt from my daily devotional "As many as God has chosen, as many as Christ has redeemed, as many as the Spirit has called—as many as believe in Jesus, shall safely cross the dividing sea. We are not all safely landed yet: “Part of the host have crossed the flood—and part are crossing now.”

Sunday, January 19, 2014

I guess we have all had this moment.

It really sucks when you are at a crossroad over an issue and you know what you should do but yet your heart restrains you from taking the step. Ever been there? Yep I thought so... It can be so annoying but what do we do at such times? The Word tells us that  many are the purposes in the heart of a man but only the counsel of The Lord shall stand. This means that it is perfectly natural for we as humans to have many thoughts about different issues but in the end it is God who should have the final say. 

This means we are to go to Him in difficult situations to seek Him and find out what His perfect will for us in that situation is. This is very important. I have seen people pay a lot for the wrong decisions they took earlier in their lives. Most times such decisions were born out of circumstances similar to the one we are discussing here.  They were at a crossroad and decided to take a decision based on their own understanding and their own perception. Their head told them one thing while their hearts sang another!!! The book of proverbs says to us to trust in God and not lean unto our own understanding!!!! Your life isn't yours... It belongs to God! He knows you better than you know yourself, so trust in The Lord. Whatever that issue is dont be quick to take decisions. Lay it at The Masters feet and wait on Him. He will come through for you.

God bless you.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014



I and some of the brethren from the church went up to The mountains in msketha some days back and I couldn't help but take the pictures of The view.. It was so windy up there that we had to hold each other tightly to prevent ourselves from being thrown off.
The monastery below is more than 500 years old and believe it or not its still being used!!  There are couple of monks who live there in solitary. I kept on wondering how they built such a place way up at that time!!! Its amazing!!!!!!! I uploaded some pictures to share.

Beautiful view of the city from the mountain. Thats the river Mtkvari beside the town. Beautiful!!

One of the mountains we climbed.
Another view. God is amazing!!!
The old monastery.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Exams!!! Exams!!!

Its the end of the semester already!!! I can't believe it! Seems like just yesterday when I had my first lecture in bioethics and now I am about writing my semester exams. God is indeed Good and Faithful!

I am going go be busy a lot but by His Grace i will try and post more whenever I get a free chance to!

Sleep on Sefe..

I dont even know where to start. Words are not enough to describe how i feel right now. The heaviness in my heart seems to linger on forever.....i have tried countless to try and figure out how and why this happened but alas I have no clue or knowledge whatsoever. I didn't believe it when I got the news. I remained in my selfdenial until I watched them lower your coffin down to mother earth!  Sefe! Sefe! Sefe! My little fake Ghanian more

Tobi is holding up too. It's harder for her I guess. You guys were much more closer and it might take her a longer time to heal but we look not unto man but to God Almighty for comfort. Its a painful loss but we take solace in knowing that you were born again. No one in Christ Jesus dies!!! They only sleep!!! 

There are some wounds that only He can heal and this is definitely one of them.  We are praying for your family and we hope that God will comfort them too.  For everyone else that knew you, we pray that your life legacies will touch them.

Your last update on skype was "live everyday like it is your last" even in death your still passing across to us a message: this life is a journey. One day we shall all go to meet Our Creator. We can't escape it. Its inevitable. its not death that matters but the question of ones eternity.  We miss you but your sweet memories we will hold dear to our hearts.
Goodnight dear....sleep on..

Monday, January 6, 2014

Quotes by Leonard Ravenhill

I think Leornard Ravenhill is one of the greatest preachers to have ever walked the face of this earth. Of course only 2nd to Jesus Christ!!!

Sunday, January 5, 2014


Its the first Sunday of the year?!!

Dont start the year with procrastination!!!!

Most People start the new year with different resolutions. Some say I will try and be a better Christian/Person this new year whilst others write long lists of habits they want to do away with it.

Most times these decisions are very genuine but as time goes on, we gradually start to slide back  towards our vomit and before we know it we are back where we started from. What causes this? There are so many reasons... One being procrastination. Sound familiar? Yep it sure does. Everyone is guilty of it.

Now no one knows for sure when death will come calling. Only God Almighty knows the day and hour. The reason we go to bed at night and wake up in the morning is because of God"s Grace and His Mercy upon us. We can't assure ourselves of the next hour at all, our only hope and assurance comes in Christ Jesus.

This is why we must try our best to do the things that we ought to do at the right time. The bible says that if anyone knows the right thing to do and fails to do it then to him it is sin. So if u are in a situation and u know the right thing to do please do it. Dont postpone it for another day!! Get up now and do what you have to do.

I pray for everyone reading this that God will help you to do the things that you need to do and at the right time too. With him all things are possible.. Just trust him.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Meet my Little Superman...

This is chubaby!! My aunt's 3 year old son all grown up and dressed in a superman costume. Lol! It was children's day and he insisted on going to church dressed like that!! My heart melts everytime I think of him or see him. I was present at his birth and I played a big role in his years as a little baby. Isn't God amazing??? I mean look at how big he is??? 
God is indeed wonderful. The way he gives us life and nutures it before our very own eyes!!! Glory to his name for his mercies!!! Alleluia!

Soooo lush and green!!!

When I came across this picture, my heart skipped a bit. I have never seen anything like this before and I just had to stop and appreciate God for the beautiful work of His hands.

This is a garden in Japan where tea is grown. Until now I never knew that such places existed but after further research I discovered other places in England and Scotland but there is something about this image that captures my attention totally!

Its sooo green and lush and full of life! This is exactly how God wants us to be. Full of life! Do you agree with me?

Word of The Day. Micah 4:1

But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the House of The Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains and it shall be exalted above the hills and people shall flow into it.

Happy New Year everyone!!!!

Its 2014 already!!! I am so excited and hopeful for the new year! I went to Church on the 31st of December and it was a wonderful atmosphere!! We sang songs and praised God for 2013...

This year 2014 is The year for the church to get out and evangelise!!! Jesus Christ gave us the great commission in Mathew 28 and it is very important that we carry out his instructions.  The world needs to hear the good news of The Kingdom of God, and there is no way that can happen if we dont go out and envangelize!!! This year God wants the church to step out and proclaim!!

Jesus Christ did not come for saints but for sinners, he came for the broken hearted and down trodden ones. He came for the scum of the earth to give them a new meaning!! But how will they know if we dont speak??? So this year make up your mind to envangelise more and more......remember this new year and every new day brings us a step closer to the second coming of Master Jesus!!! Get ready!!!