Sunday, April 26, 2015

I take Your hand, Sweet Jesus.

When my world falls down around me

and the ground is sinking sand.

When peace can't be found on this earth

Sweet Jesus I reach out for your hand.

When your hands wraps "round my own"

A strength pours from your soul.

It brings to me a quiet calm.

Till once again I am whole.

The walls around me try to give way.

The voice of Sin attempts to deter me away

but Sweet Jesus my gaze is fixed on you.

I know for sure, you won't let go.

A peace beyond all reason

A rest there in your touch.

Something in your quiet words.

My heart yearns for so much.

If I but rest my worries

upon your shoulder there

Strength that pours forth from your soul

will wash away each care.

Like a cool sweet taste of water

For a tired thirsty man

Or the delicious taste of a loaf of bread

for a hungry fellow

My heart finds peace, my soul is calm.

When my hand finally grasps yours.

Run your race!!!

Ever taken part in a marathon race before??? If you have then you will fully understand the scenario I am about to describe here.

Imagine this scenario. A race is about to begin. Thre are hundreds of people at the starting line, all are dressed in their track suits eagerly waiting for the umpire to blow the whistle. Some are bothered with the condition of the weather while others are contemplating the different obstacles that might come their way. For some others all they can think about the prize that awaits all those who finish well. Then after a little while the umpire makes his way to the line and after addressing the participants he blows the whistle and voila, the race begins!!

Dear Christian that is how the race we are on looks like. The bible says in Hebrews 12: 1&2 says "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Beloved, we are on a race. A race where our goal is to win the ultimate prize. That Wonderful prize is eternal life through Jesus Christ. There are important things we must pay serious attention to as believers. They are as follows; 

I We have all a race to run.

II. Many have gone before us.

III. We must lay aside every weight. Always ask yourself this "Does it help me run?" 

IV. We must run with patience.

V. We must be continually looking unto Jesus.

This race isnt an easy one. It comes with its own share of trials but we are able to overcome all of them because of the victory in Jesus Christ. For us to run effectively, We must lay aside sin and anything in our lives that will not let us run as we ought to. These things The Bible refers to as weights. They could be our hobbies, jobs, relationships, goals etc. This can be a bit difficult for some people to do. Some people claim they dont know how to identify weights. I believe that we must always ask ourselves this important question "Does it help me run?" Be honest to yourself and follow the leading of His Spirit. Let Him search your heart and reveal things to you. When He does be obedient too. Lay them aside!!!

The Word of God in 1 Corinthians 9:4-25 says "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever." Don't relent, keep on running.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Happy Easter!!!

The King is risen!

The King is risen!

Go forth and proclaim it everywhere you go!

The Christ is alive! The stone that was rolled over his grave has been pushed aside!

Look! Look!

Behold the tomb that held Him is empty!! The King of Glory has conquered death! He lives! He lives!

Who is this King we speak about?

The King of kings is His name! The one all other kings bow down to.

He is the only begotten Son of God! The perfect Lamb who takes away the sins of the world!  His name makes the devils to tremble and crouch back in fear! His garment holds the healing power of God Almighty! He is The Mighty Man in battle; The Lion of the tribe of Judah! No one can shut a door He opens or open a door He shuts. He holds the keys of Heaven and Hell in His hands. He is the way, truth and life. No one can go to The Father except through Him.

He is The Chief Shepherd. The One who bore our sins on The Cross so that we may be saved and called out from darkness into His marvellous Light! He is our High priest; The one who daily intercedes for us before The mighty throne of God. He is Jesus Christ of Nazereth and He sits at the right hand of The Father having defeated the enemy. He is He that said "It is finished" on the cross and sealed the fate of all who believes in Him unto eternal life!

He is alive! He has risen! Don't go seeking him in the tomb! I tell you, you will find no one there! Lift your eyes up! The King lives! All Glory to His holy name now and forever more! Amen